Radio Africa

Rail Band and Les Ambassadeurs family tree


This "family tree" was created as an attempt to clarify the often confusing origins and cross-overs between these two seminal West African bands.
ver the years both bands had many changes to their line-ups and the discographies below are a broad representation.

For more detailed discographies of these groups, please visit the Rail Band discography and the Les Ambassadeurs discography.



Compiled by Graeme Counsel, with many thanks to Flemming Harrev

Rail Band Les Ambassadeurs
1969  Rail Band de Buffet Hôtel de la Gare formed by Tidiani Koné.
1970  Salif Keita joins the group as lead vocalist.
1970  Orchestre Rail-Band de Bamako. 33.3 rpm disc. Bärenreiter-Musicaphon. BM 30 L 2606.
1971  Mory Kanté joins the group as guitarist / vocalist. 
1971  Djelymadi Tounkara, a former member of L'Orchestre National "A" de la République du Mali,
     joins the group as lead guitarist. 
3  Salif Keita leaves the band for Les Ambassadeurs du Motel. Mory Kanté becomes lead singer.
[1973] Rail Band / Kankoun. 45 rpm disc. LGVD - Disques France-Afrique. LGVD-ST 3000.
[1973] Diya / Sayomba.  45 rpm disc. LGVD - Disques France-Afrique. LGVDST 3002.
1973  Mokodiolo / Tamadiara. 45 rpm disc. Rail Culture Authentique Malienne. RCAM 014573.
1973  Nantan / Nabayé tabayé. 45 rpm disc. Rail Culture Authentique Malienne. RCAM 024573.
1973  Rail Band du Mali. 33.3 rpm disc. Rail Culture Authentique Malienne. RCAM 013373.
1973  Regard sur le passé à travers le présent. 33.3 rpm disc. Mali Music. MALI 1001. (one song only –
Tidiani Koné
1973  Panorama du Mali. 33.3 rpm disc. Mali Music. MALI 1002. (two songs only – Badiamalé and

1974  Tiramakam. 33.3 rpm disc. Rail Culture Authentique Malienne. RCAM 013374.
1975  Makan Ganessy shares the lead vocals.
1975  Duga / Duga. 45 rpm disc. Mali Music. Mali 01.
1975  Diaba / Mouodilo. 45 rpm disc. HMV-EMI. HNS 1581.

Wassamba / Laï soumalei.  45 rpm disc. HMV-EMI. HNS 1582.  
1975  Soundiata. L'exil. 33.3 rpm disc. RCAM 3301 / HMV-EMI. HNLX 5146.
1975  Balakononifing. 33.3 rpm disc. RCAM 3302 / HMV-EMI. HNLX 5147.
1975  Kaïra. 33.3 rpm disc. RCAM 3303 / HMV-EMI. HNLX 5148.
1975  Iouseny. 33.3 rpm disc. RCAM 3304 / HMV-EMI. HNLX 5149. 
1975  Mamadou Boutigui. 33.3 rpm disc. RCAM 3305 / HMV-EMI. HNLX 5150.
1976  Melodias Rail Band du Mali. 33.3 rpm disc. Kouma. KLP 1040.
1976  Concert Rail Band du Mali. 33.3 rpm disc. Kouma. KLP 1042.
1976  Melodias Rail Band du Mali. 33.3 rpm disc. Kouma. KLP 1043.
1976  Makan Ganessy leaves the band, and retires from singing. Mory Kanté resumes as lead singer.
1977  Super Rail Band. Orchestre du Buffet Hôtel de la Gare de Bamako - Wale numa lombaliya. 33.3
     rpm disc. RCAM 3301 / HMV-EMI. HNLX 5179.
1979  Seigneur Djali Madi Tounkara. Volume 1 - Famadenke. 33.3 rpm disc. Disco
Stock. DS 7918.
1979  Seigneur Djali Madi Tounkara. Volume 2 - Koulandjan. 33.3 rpm disc. Disco Stock. DS 7919.
1979  Mory Kanté leaves the group along with Djelymadi Tounkara - the lead guitarist. They form
     L'Orchestre Super Rail Band International in Abidjan.
1979  Lanfia Diabaté and Sékou Kanté share the lead vocals.
1979 Mamadou Ouedraogo et l'Orchestre Rail Band - Dioulou koussoube. 33.3 rpm disc. Sacodisc.
     LS 24.
1979 Affair social. 33.3 rpm disc. Sacodisc. LS 25.
1983  Super Rail Band Buffet Hôtel de la Gare de Bamako - Volume 1. 33.3 rpm disc. Rail Culture
     Authentique Malienne. RCAM 3301.
1983  Super Rail Band Buffet Hôtel de la Gare de Bamako - Volume 2. 33.3 rpm disc. Rail Culture
     Authentique Malienne. RCAM 3302.
Soundiata. 33.3 rpm disc. Disco Stock. DS 7908.
[1983] Mansa. 33.3 rpm disc. Indigo. LBLC 2520.
1984 Djelymadi Tounkara rejoins the band. Damory Kouyate shares the
     lead vocals.
1985  Foliba. New dimensions in rail culture. Globestyle. ORB 001.
[1989] Djougoua magni. 33.3 rpm disc. EMI. 150392-4.  
Salif Keita & Mory Kanté. Mali stars. Volume 1. CD. Syllart. SYL 38750-1. Re-release
     of material from Rail Band - Soundiata and Orchestre Rail-Band de Bamako.
1994  Salif Keita
- 69.80. CD. Sonodisc. 74646. Features L'Orchestre Rail-Band de
and Ambassadeurs Internationaux.
Djougouya magni. CD. Indigo. CD LBLC 2500.
1995  Kongo sigui. LP. Label bleu. LBLC 2581. Released on CD in 2006.
1996  Mansa. CD. Harmonia Mundi. CD LB 2520.
[1998] Rail Band. Mory Kanté & Salif Keita. CD. Sonodisc.
CDS 7051.
2006 Classic titles. Le Rail Band feat. Mory Kanté. CD. Cantos Records. 0023.
2006  Djelimady Tounkara & l'Orchestre Super Rail Band International - Allo Bamako. Oriki Music.
     ORK 002. 33.3rpm disc, released on compact disc in 2007]
2007  Rail Band. Belle epoque. Volume 1. Soundiata. Sterns. STCD 3033-34. 2 x CDs.
2008  Rail Band. Belle epoque. Volume 2. Mansa. Sterns. STCD 3039-40. 2 x CDs.
2009  Rail Band. Belle epoque. Volume 3. Dioba. Sterns. STCD 3043-44. 2 x CDs.

1969  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel formed with Ousmane Dia on vocals.
1972  Kanté Manfila joins the band as lead guitarist and vocalist.
3  Salif Keita joins the group as lead vocalist.
1975  Kanté Manfila et les Ambassadeurs - Ambassadeur / Mana mana. 45 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF
1975  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel - Super pitie / Bolola sanou. 45 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF 1773. 
1976  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel - Saranfing / Sabar. 45 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF 1786.
1976  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako - Ngana / Djoula. 45 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF 1814.
1976 Les Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako - Tiécolomba / M'bourm-mousso. 45 rpm disc.
Sonafric. SAF
1976  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel. 33.3 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF 50014.
1977  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako - Volume 1. 33.3 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF 50030.
1977  Les Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako - Volume 2. 33.3 rpm disc. Sonafric. SAF 50031.
1978  Salif Keita, Kanté Manfila and other members of the group leave for Abidjan and create
     Ambassadeurs Internationaux.
1978  Salif Keita & Kanté Manfila - Dans l'authenticité. Volume 1. 33.3 rpm disc. Badmos. BLP 5031.
1978  Salif Keita & Kanté Manfila - Dans l'authenticité. Volume 2. 33.3 rpm disc Badmos. BLP 5032.
1978  Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Mandjou. 33.3 rpm disc. Amons Records. 001. Re-released on
Badmos BLP 5040
and Celluloid. CEL 6721. 
1978  Ambassadeurs Internationaux collaborate with Leon Keïta. 33.3 rpm disc. Papa Disco (DISCO
     011). Re-released as DISCO 1127 with extra tracks by  Dembo Conté (from DISCO 27).
1980  Ambassadeur International - Seydou bathily. 33.3 disc. Badmos. BIR 002.
1  Salif Keita et les Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Bithiéloulé. 33.3 rpm disc. Badmos.  BIR 009.
1981  Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Tounkan. 33.3 rpm disc. Sako Productions. SP 001.
1981  Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Mani Mani. 33.3 rpm disc. Sako Productions. SP 002.
[1982] Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux -  Djougouya. 33.3 rpm disc. AS Records. AS 008.
     Re-released by Celluloid. CEL 6635.
1982  Salif Keita leaves the group, though Les Ambassadeurs continue with different lead singers.
1982  Sadio Kouyaté et les Ambassadeurs Internationaux du Mali - Kamelen. 33.3 rpm disc. Disco
     Stock. DS 7981.
1982  Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux du Mali - Ledy Youla. 33.3 rpm disc. Disco Stock. DS 7986.
1982  Sory Bamba du Mali. 33.3 rpm disc. Sako Production. SP 003. (Sory Bamba was the lead singer
     of the Orchestre Régional du Mopti, performing here with several members of the Ambassadeurs).
1983  Youssouf Kanté and Djèkoria Diabaté - Natoma. 33.3 rpm disc. AS Records. AS 017. 
1983  Best of Ambassadeurs. 33.3 rpm disc. Celluloid. CEL 6640.
1983  Sandaly Kanté, Nhawa Kanté and Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Foudou!?! 33.3 rpm disc.
     Maïkano. MAÏ LPS 1040.
[1983] Oumou Kouyaté - Kala joula. 33.3 rpm disc. Sacodis. LS 56.
[1983] Ousmane Kouyaté - Bintou. 33.3 rpm. Sacodis. LS 62.
[1984] Ousmane Kouyaté et Le Ambassadeurs Internationale. Volume 1. 33.3 rpm disc. Musique
Mondiale. MAD 006.
[1984] Y'ssouf Kanté - Mansa coulou. 33.3 rpm disc. Aicodis. AICD 003.
1984  Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Salif Keita and Kanté Manfila. 33.3 rpm disc. Celluloid.
     CEL 6717.
1986  Salif Keita et les Ambassadeurs - Africa roots. Volume 4. CD. Milkweg 08-023863-20.
      (contains live version of "Primpin")
1988  Mamadi Diabaté et Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux - Kanté Manfila présent Mamadi Diabaté
Malian cassette. 7421.
[1990] Les Ambassadeurs featuring Salif Keita & Kanté Manfila. CD. Mélodie. 47018-2.
1990  Les Ambassadeurs, featuring Salif Keita & Kanté Manfila - Dance music from West Africa. CD.
     Rounder. 5013.
1992  Les Ambassadeurs Internationales featuring Salif Keita. CD. Rounder. 5053.
1997  Salif Keita & Les Ambassadeurs. Seydou Bathily. Sonodisc. CDS 7004. CD. Re-issued in 2004.
2006  Classic titles. Les Ambassadeurs feat. Salif Keita. Cantos. 0014. CD.
2010 Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux featuring Salif Keita. Mandjou.  Universal Records. 532 529-2.
     2 x CDs.

2010 Les Ambassadeurs Internationaux featuring Salif Keita. Tounkan. Universal Records. 532 530-2.
     2 x CDs.

This page was created on April 25 2000 and was last updated on 26 January 2025.